Sunday, January 20, 2008

I've always loved Independence Day - the actual holiday, as well as the movie. I've always been very interested in the history of my country and the Revolutionary War has a special fascination for me. I love to hear the stories of the struggling Colonials against the Redcoats, of George Washington leading his troops with a quiet strength.

I get tears in my eyes at the words in the Star Spangled Banner (even now as I'm thinking of them) and I love the sight of the fireworks over Sandy City Hall on a warm, dark summer evening.

I'm grateful for those people in the past who sacrificed so much so that we could have all that we have today. I just hope that we all take time each day - not just one day a year - to think about what we have and those who gave it to us.
One of this weeks subjects for my writing challenge is...What would you do if you woke up in another country and no one could understand you?

The same thing I do every day...repeat myself, get frustrated, then finally give up. I have a hard enough time speaking English =) If I had a dollar for every time someone couldn't understand what I was saying, I'd be richer than Donald Trump.